• How Asthma Sufferers Can Breathe Easier With Chiropractic Care

    How Asthma Sufferers Can Breathe Easier With Chiropractic Care

    Asthma is a chronic lung disease that has afflicted more people in the last 20 years than ever. Some doctors attribute the increase to the pollutants in the air, the changes in the modern diet, and lack of adequate ventilation in homes. According to the Mayo Clinic, asthma symptoms vary by individuals and may beRead more

  • How Fibromyalgia Sufferers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care

    How Fibromyalgia Sufferers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care

    Fibromyalgia is one of today’s most common chronic pain conditions. According to the American College of Rheumatology, around 1 in 50 Americans currently suffer from fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, the condition is difficult to diagnose, and, being chronic in nature, can linger for several months or even years. Fibromyalgia typically causes pain throughout the body and createsRead more

  • What Chiropractic Patients Need to Know About Sitting While Working

    What Chiropractic Patients Need to Know About Sitting While Working

    It’s no big secret that exercise is good for you. Many articles and books have been written and studies completed on the subject of physical fitness. However, lately it’s been discussed as to whether that five mile run or spin class is really enough. Is our work environment undoing any positive effort we put intoRead more

  • 5 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use When Choosing The Perfect Pillow

    5 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use When Choosing The Perfect Pillow

    Neck pain is nobody’s friend, and it is definitely not an ideal sleeping companion. Pain-filled nights can leave a person dull, groggy, and not ready to face the day in the morning. Unfortunately, certain sleeping positions can further aggravate neck pain to the point it robs a person of a good night’s sleep. If youRead more