• Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Just As Important As Dental Exams

    Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Just As Important As Dental Exams

    Regular preventative care and maintenance are integral to good health. The better you treat your body, the better it will treat you. Unfortunately, you can’t always see or know when there is a problem and regular check-ups can help you stay ahead of potential health problems that could significantly impact your quality of life. However,Read more

  • How School Teachers Can Benefit From Chiropractic

    How School Teachers Can Benefit From Chiropractic

    Teachers go through a lot in a day. They spend hours on their feet. They bend, stoop, and lift, hunching over students’ desks helping them and carrying heavy books. They sit at a desk, grading papers. It’s no wonder so many of our educators complain of neck and back pain! The good news is, regularRead more

  • What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About High-Intensity Interval Training

    What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About High-Intensity Interval Training

    Chiropractic is more than just spinal adjustments. It is a whole-body therapy that may include health supplements, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes that include exercise. By getting the patient to take certain steps, chiropractors make them a vital participant in their own healing. Exercise is outstanding for not only healing, but also for prevention ofRead more

  • Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

    Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

    Sleep. New parents chase it, Type A personalities fight it, but everyone needs it. Thing is, most people don’t get enough of it. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 45 percent of adults in the United States report that in a seven day period lack of sleep affected their daily activities. Sleep quantity is notRead more