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    • JULY 24, 2024
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    Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

    Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

    Sleep. New parents chase it, Type A personalities fight it, but everyone needs it. Thing is, most people don’t get enough of it. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 45 percent of adults in the United States report that in a seven day period lack of sleep affected their daily activities. Sleep quantity is not

    • JULY 10, 2024
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    4 Case Studies That Support Going Upright in the Workplace

    4 Case Studies That Support Going Upright in the Workplace

    If you are considering going upright in your workplace or workspace, you are not alone. Companies large and small are recognizing the benefits of this healthy, spine friendly way of working and they are incorporating it into their employees’ work stations. It places the body in an optimal position, between standing and sitting to provide

    • JUNE 12, 2024
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    Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction: Can Chiropractic Help?

    Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction: Can Chiropractic Help?

    Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is a very common ankle and foot problem that occurs when there is a tear or inflammation in the posterior tibial tendon – the tendon that is at the back of the ankle and is the key player in stabilizing the foot. The inflammation or tear affects the integrity of the

    • MAY 15, 2024
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    How Combining Chiropractic & Yoga Can Be Beneficial To Your Spine

    How Combining Chiropractic & Yoga Can Be Beneficial To Your Spine

    Yoga has long been touted as a healing activity that extends beyond its known fitness benefits. It can help alleviate depression, relieve stress, and decrease anxiety as well as tighten and tone the body. In fact, a 2016 study by Yoga Alliance and Yoga Journal shows that the more than 20 million people who practice

    • MAY 1, 2024
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    4 Reasons Why Chiropractic Is Good for Your Spine

    4 Reasons Why Chiropractic Is Good for Your Spine

    Your spine goes through a lot each day. It provides structural support and houses the central nervous system which carries impulses from the brain throughout the body. When it isn’t working as it should, the entire body can be affected. Chiropractic has long been praised as a way to keep the back healthy. Well, now

    • APRIL 16, 2024
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    What Chiropractic Patients Want to Know About Cervical Facet Joint Pain

    What Chiropractic Patients Want to Know About Cervical Facet Joint Pain

    Facet joint problems are among the most common sources of lower back and neck pain. They can cause debilitating, chronic problems with the neck and back and can lead to other more serious conditions and symptoms that can be disabling. Cervical facet joint syndrome, or cervical facet osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition marked by stiffness

    • APRIL 4, 2024
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    How Upper Neck Misalignments Are Related To TMJ Dysfunction

    How Upper Neck Misalignments Are Related To TMJ Dysfunction

    The temporomandibular joints, TMJ, are the lower jaw hinges that sit on either side of the head in front of each ear. They are responsible for the lower jaw opening, closing, sliding, and rotating. The TMJs are the most body’s most complex joints. The typical person uses them more than 5,000 times a day by

    • MARCH 19, 2024
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    4 Easy Stretches that Alleviate Piriformis Syndrome Pain

    4 Easy Stretches that Alleviate Piriformis Syndrome Pain

    Root canals. Kidney stones. Piriformis syndrome.  These are all ailments that are painful and no fun! Piriformis syndrome especially is a pain, in, well, the butt.  Seriously, people suffering from Piriformis syndrome have frequent and sometimes severe pain and numbness through the buttocks and down their legs. This occurs when the Piriformis muscle spasms. When this

    • MARCH 5, 2024
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    A Tension Headache or A Migraine? How to Tell the Difference

    A Tension Headache or A Migraine? How to Tell the Difference

    Headaches are a real pain (insert eye-roll here). Many individuals suffer from them, and there are a variety of causes, symptoms, and treatment options. For some, they are a rare occurrence, while others deal with them on a weekly, or even daily, basis. They can range from minor inconveniences to full-fledged life changing afflictions. The first

    • FEBRUARY 16, 2024
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    Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

    Lower Back Pain When Sleeping: Which Position is Best?

    Sleep. New parents chase it, Type A personalities fight it, but everyone needs it. Thing is, most people don’t get enough of it. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 45 percent of adults in the United States report that in a seven day period lack of sleep affected their daily activities. Sleep quantity is not