• NOVEMBER 15, 2023
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    What Chiropractic Patients Want To Know About Selecting A Mattress

    Getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely integral to good spinal health. Sometimes, though that isn’t possible. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 92 percent of people believe that a comfortable mattress is important for good, restful…

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    • NOVEMBER 1, 2023
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    How Chiropractic Benefits Your Health

    At its core, chiropractic is about allowing the body to naturally seek its natural balance, allowing all systems to work together. When it is unencumbered it can actually begin to heal itself. However, it can only attain proper function when it is at its proper…

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    • SEPTEMBER 11, 2018
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    Why Do My Joints Ache When it’s Damp or Cold?

    It is common for people with chronic joint pain to feel more pain and stiffness when the weather turns damp or cold. But why do joints ache in these instances? Essentially, our joints sometimes act as human barometers. Researchers believe it’s not actually…

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    • JULY 2, 2018
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    Is it Really Healthier to Live in the Country?

    Some decades ago, there was no question that living in the country was healthier than living in the city. Most cities had high levels of crime, pollution and infectious diseases, whereas the fresh country air, open spaces and lack of traffic in rural areas was…

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