• 4 Health Benefits of Working Upright

    Sitting at a desk for extended periods of time is not healthy and can lead to a host of health problems. As more and more studies show the detriments of prolonged sitting, some companies are taking action to protect their employees’ health by installing upright work stations. These desks take the person from a seatedRead more

  • How the Shoes You Wear Can Wreck Your Spine

    How the Shoes You Wear Can Wreck Your Spine

    If you’ve been experiencing lower back pain and can’t seem to pinpoint the cause, try looking down – at your feet. What kind of shoes are you wearing? Your shoes can have a tremendous effect on your spine, causing back pain. While this is traditionally considered to be a “female issue,” some men’s shoe stylesRead more

  • How Chiropractic Benefits Senior Citizens

    The aging process can usher in a variety of conditions and health issues that are confined (mostly) to the elderly. Chronic pain, arthritis, loss of mobility, and other issues can occur as a person get older, but senior citizens are finding that chiropractic provides some great benefits for the older demographic. Better Range of MotionRead more

  • How Magnesium Helps Soothe Sore Muscles

    How Magnesium Helps Soothe Sore Muscles

    Everyone has stiff, sore muscles now and then. From overdoing it at the gym to sleeping in an awkward position, there are many reasons you might feel some muscular aches and pains. Some medical conditions or illnesses can also cause soreness. Several studies have found a remarkable, effective, inexpensive cure that is natural and safeRead more