• Heavy Backpacks: Their Negative Effects & How Your Kids Can Avoid Them

    Heavy Backpacks: Their Negative Effects & How Your Kids Can Avoid Them

    Summer is ending and the school year is starting. Time for new shoes, haircuts, homework, and backpacks. As you do your back to school shopping, think about the backpack your child will be carrying. Sure, they load them up with books, but did you know that wearing a heavy backpack for a long time canRead more

  • Teachers and Back Pain: How Chiropractic Can Help

    Teachers and Back Pain: How Chiropractic Can Help

    Teachers do a lot in a day. They stand for long periods of time, they stoop and bend, pick up children, carry stacks of papers, and sit for long periods while they grade papers. It’s no wonder that so many teachers end up with aching backs! While low back pain is the number one causeRead more

  • How Chiropractic Helps Alleviate Back Pain In Pregnant Woman

    How Chiropractic Helps Alleviate Back Pain In Pregnant Woman

    Pregnancy is an exciting time. As you prepare for your baby to arrive you may get caught up in the excitement. At first you may not notice the twinges of pain now and then as your body goes through the incredible changes of pregnancy. However, the further along you get, the harder it is toRead more

  • Why More People Are Choosing Chiropractic

    Why More People Are Choosing Chiropractic

    Chiropractic care is enjoying an upsurge in popularity as more people are veering away from invasive procedures and pharmaceuticals in favor of more natural treatment options for their pain. A recent Gallup poll for Palmer Chiropractic College confirms this. Of the people surveyed: More than 35.5 million people said they sought chiropractic care within theRead more