• Injuries Do Occur in Low-Impact Collisions

    Injuries Do Occur in Low-Impact Collisions

    Being a doctor in personal injury, I have faced one particular question time and time again: “How can a patient be injured when the property damage to his or her vehicle is minimal?” I now have a canned response.  “When did it become acceptable to base my patient’s injuries upon a vehicle’s repair bill?”  IRead more

  • Why You Should Seek Treatment After an Auto Accident

    At some point in our lives, the majority of us will be involved in an auto accident.  When it happens, your mind immediately begins racing with so many thoughts that you become overwhelmed.  You eventually get out of the car to deal with the other driver, investigating police officers, witnesses, insurance companies, tow trucks andRead more

  • Pre-Existing Injuries Do Not Have to Ruin Your Client’s Claim

    Most doctors may cringe and become very uneasy when they are presented with a personal injury patient with pre-existing injuries. These pre-existing or prior injuries may stem from an old automobile accident, from degenerative issues such as arthritis or disc degeneration, from health conditions such as heart ailments or prior unrelated surgeries, or from unrelatedRead more