• THE ELDOA METHOD and How It Has Helped Patients Recover Stronger

    For anyone who has been in our clinic, you will see that our clinic is drastically different from other clinics that treat patients who are injured in accidents and mishaps. Gone are the days of using only passive therapies to treat patient’s symptoms. Extensive research has shown that active therapy, combined with passive therapy provideRead more

  • The Role of Sodium in Your Diet

    Most people get far too much sodium in their diet. In fact, according to a recent study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average adult consumes 3,466 mg per day. In addition, children intake an average of 3,387 mg each day. Both numbers have become cause for concern in the healthcare community, asRead more

  • What is “Referred Pain”?

    “Referred pain” can be a perplexing phenomenon for anyone who experiences it. It refers to feeling pain in an area that is not the original source of the pain. The most common example of referred pain is pain in the left arm, neck or jaw but not the chest after suffering a heart attack. It’sRead more

  • Do Multivitamins Reduce Heart Attack Risk?

    In the past, many research studies suggested that vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin D help prevent cardiovascular disease. As a result, many people adopted the use of daily multivitamins as a precaution against heart attack. Now, over half of the American population takes at least one vitamin regularly, and approximately 40 percentRead more