• 4 Ways Chiropractic Helps Improve Your Overall Health & Wellness

    4 Ways Chiropractic Helps Improve Your Overall Health & Wellness

    Chiropractic has been increasing in popularity over the last few years as the medical community is recognizing its value for treating many conditions as well as improving overall health and wellness. There was a time when chiropractic was used to treat back pain, but studies are showing that it can be used to effectively treatRead more

  • How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer from Sciatica

    How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer from Sciatica

    Sciatica is a common back ailment that affects approximately 1 in 10 adults in the United States. It is most prevalent in people between the ages of 25 and 45. Sciatica is characterized by a shooting pain that originates in the lower back and travels down through the hip, buttock and back of leg. TheRead more

  • 4 Ways Chiropractic Can Help Those That Suffer From Fibromyalgia

    4 Ways Chiropractic Can Help Those That Suffer From Fibromyalgia

    Fibromyalgia is one of the most common chronic pain conditions in the United States. It is believed to affect one in fifty people in the U.S. alone, according to the American College of Rheumatology. This condition is very problematic because it is extremely difficult to diagnose. It is also difficult to treat because it tendsRead more

  • 3 Ways Chiropractic Can Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    3 Ways Chiropractic Can Help Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Many people think of chiropractic as a treatment for neck and back problems, but in truth it is a whole body wellness practice and the neck and back are just one aspect. One application that is garnering a great deal of attention is the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Chiropractic is an effective, non-invasiveRead more